One of the greatest takeaways in 2020 was how connected we all are. In a pandemic-strained world, time zone difference disappeared, yet distance and absence made hearts grow fonder. We realized we need one another. More than before. Staying at home so much tending to the sacred space inside was as sobering as it was clarifying. It was a year of epic growth for many of us. Never mind workshops, retreats and travels were canceled, and the life we had in mind had to be postponed. In face of mortality, the tumultuous year that passed was about counting the blessings and taking courageous, purposeful steps to live out our longings and dreams. Life gave another chance to master our demons. We were called to deepen into our heart space, into what we hold dear. Trust what the universe has organized for us. Trust we always receive exactly what is needed for our evolution. Life is as perfect as it can be.
I personally know many who forged new paths, one from the depth of their hearts and souls. The heart tunes in. More than the head brain, the heart brain is our navigational system. It knows truth that the rational mind is unable to intellectualize.
Will you take the leap of faith even if your destination is not within sight?
I had high intentions to begin 2021 with a weekly online Meditation with Angels, a natural progression from the illuminating Akash meditation – a journey into the soul records – I had been guiding virtually on Zoom. It appears for now the Divine has other plans. Destiny is calling. There is nothing left to do but surrender.
I feel so very grateful to integrate all my tools and practices at a school with a curriculum centered around developing the body, soul and spirit. The epitome of holistic education was ahead of its time when it was founded in 1919 in Germany and may I say it is ever so apropos in this Aquarian age. This multidimensional and profoundly spiritual approach to educating big souls in little bodies has everything I stand for. How I nourish my heart, body and soul is how a consciously spent day in textbook-free class is filled with the arts, nature and esoteric wisdom. The day begins with soulful poetry and ends with a gratitude song honoring another spiritual being living a human experience. Will the future of planet earth remember how we connected with Father Sun and Mother Earth in classroom and therefore see every living creation as being inherently beautiful and equally worthy? Will they follow their heart’s wisdom as they recall how we valued their every artistry and imagination? It is my vision for humanity, as it is the school’s.
To say the least, it is a soul mission manifested, in complete alignment with heart work that is rooted in self-inquiry and self-empowerment. Working fulltime with little children and shadowing special needs ones with soulmates who understand my heart as I see theirs bring forth the best in me, parts of me I did not know exist and qualities I have been dedicatedly cultivating on and off the [yoga] mat. I am filled with awe and humility witnessing and living my highest potential every darned day. Words are hardly adequate to express the depth of my gratitude.
Have you heard this achingly tender rendition of a Whitney Houston classic? It landed in my phone as I was contemplating the circuitous yet graceful unfolding of my journey.
May you know you are more than you think you can be. May you know your dreams are a heartbeat away, and the answers are up to you.
May you always honor what your heart knows.
Yoga for Nervous System still happens every Saturday morning. Energy and Inner Child healing are available by appointment. Stay tuned for Meditation with Angels.